<C>Height:</C> 24 to 26 inches (male); 22 to 24 inches (female).
<C>Weight:</C> 75 to 90 pounds (male); 55 to 70 (female).
<C>Size:</C> Large.
<C>Availability:</C> Very popular.
<b>History:</> One of the most versatile breeds, the German Shepherd Dog probably originated from crosses of several shepherd breeds in Germany. The breed is so intelligent and learns so readily that it has been used as a sheepdog, guard, in police work, as a guide for the blind, in search and rescue service and in the military. The German Shepherd also excels many other dog activities including Schutzhund, tracking, obedience, agility, flyball, and ring sport. His fine nose can sniff out drugs and intruders, and alert handlers to the presence of underground mines in time to avoid detonation, or gas leaks in pipes buried 15 feet underground. The German Shepherd is also a popular show dog and family companion.
<b>Description:</> An athletic, agile, muscular dog, longer than tall, with a smoothly curved outline. Ruggedly noble, with a regal head and longish muzzle. The ears are erect, triangular and open to the front. The nose is black (or else the dog is disqualified from showing). The dark eyes are medium-sized and almond-shaped. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The long saber tail is bushy and hangs down at least to the hock. The front legs are straight. Dewclaws on the front legs are generally left on though those on the back legs are removed. The dense double coat lies close and straight. Any colors except white, liver or blue are acceptable. It's best if the colors are strong. The ideal weight is not described in the standard.
<b>Notes:</> The breed has a tendency to hip and elbow dysplasia (be sure both parents have had their hips certified at least OFA Good ), chronic eczema, flea allergies and keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). They are highly prone to gastric disorders. Bathe rarely, only once or twice a year to avoid skin oil depletion. German Shepherds have a very strong protective instinct, so they should be extensively socialized to prevent over- guarding when adult. Aggression and attacks on people are largely due to poor breeding, handling and training. It is extremely important to purchase your German Shepherd from a reputable breeder. Some are timid and skittish and may be prone to fear biting. Research a puppy's lineage carefully. To be successful pets, these dogs should be trained and socialized from an early age with a firm and loving hand. Coercive or angry training does not succeed well with these dogs. To be truly happy, the German Shepherd needs a task in life. He also needs his people and should not be left isolated for long periods of time. The breed sheds constantly--a quick daily brushing is best unless hair in the house is not a problem.
<b>Personality:</> Direct and fearless, eager and alert. Bold, cheerful and obedient. Known for his tremendous loyalty and courage. Calmly confident, but not hostile. Serious. Almost human in his intelligence.
<C>Children:</C> Excellent with children.
<C>Friendliness:</C> Reserved with strangers.
<C>Trainability:</C> Very easy to train.
<C>Independence:</C> Needs people a lot.
<C>Dominance:</C> Moderate.
<C>Other Pets:</C> Generally good with other pets.
<C>Combativeness:</C> Not generally dog-aggressive.
<C>Noise:</C> Average barker.
<b>Grooming and Physical Needs:</>
<C>Grooming:</C> A little grooming needed.
<C>Trimming & Stripping:</C> No trimming or stripping needed.
<C>Coat:</C> Medium coat.
<C>Shedding:</C> Seasonally heavy shedder.
<C>Exercise:</C> Vigorous daily exercise needed.
<C>Jogging:</C> An excellent jogging companion.
<C>Indoors:</C> Relatively inactive indoors.
<C>Apartments:</C> Will be OK in an apartment if sufficiently exercised.
Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute.
<b>Photo Caption:</> GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG
Slide 1 -White Shepherd, Hamrick's Parisian Myst. Owned and photographed by Laura Hamrick. Slide 2 (and small picture) -SKC Ch. 'V' Valley Oak's Kondor of Arelee, SchI, CDX, HT, BH, CGC, KKLI(life). Owned by Ralph and Elaine Hodgin. Photo copyright: Mike Mitchell.